Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions

Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions

Embedding Quality Use of Medicines

Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions is a Section 90 community pharmacy and Australia’s leading provider of Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist services.

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Our Vision

Our vision involves leading the sector in delivery of services that promote the safe and quality use of medicines. To achieve this, we work closely with care recipients, nurses, GPs and care providers and embed our support wherever Credentialed Pharmacists operate.

Residents and families

Our pharmacist is there to help you with all of your medication related queries and support.  Medication safety is enhanced, and we also like to minimise your medication costs by supporting you and your GP to deprescribe any unnecessary drugs.  

Choice Pharmacists are independent of your supply pharmacy service, but we work very closely with our supply colleagues to ensure your medications are safe and effective.


Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions has a GP referred medication review rate that is significantly higher than industry average.  This is reflective of the quality of our pharmacists’ input and the sophistication of our clinical systems in facilitating HMR (MBS Item 900) and RMMR (MBS Item 903) services.

RACF/Care provider

Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions is funded from May 2024 to embed Aged Care Onsite Pharmacists in facilities all around Australia.  We ensure industry and workplace role preparedness, provide streamlined systems and sophisticated embedded pharmacist clinical tools, governance, mentorship and accountability to ensure the residents and care provider can extract the greatest benefit from this new onsite pharmacist service.

Our client care providers can choose the onsite pharmacist services and inputs that meet their unique requirements the most.

Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions services:

1 in 3 RMMRs in Australia is conducted by one of our Credentialed Pharmacists.
Our RMMR GP referral rate is 400% higher than industry average. This indicates quality and value in our RMMR input.
As per the Mandatory QI Program, our RMMRs have been proven to reduce polypharmacy and antipsychotic rates.

In 2023, we became the first consultant pharmacist organisation to be engaged by a national home care and independent living operator.
In 2024, we became the first consultant pharmacist organisation to be engaged by a national disability services care provider.
Our HMRs are person-centred, timely and utilise sophisticated referral and reporting methods to enhance the impact of this valuable service.

Our Credentialed Pharmacist are also qualified Trainers & Assessors.
We deliver Nationally Recognised Training & workforce upskilling via our affiliated RTOs.

We assist in optimising the use of digital health systems utilised by care providers and care recipients.

Routine medication and lifestyle counselling.
Advice and support following medication changes.
Assist with informed consent for high-risk medications via counselling and provision of Consumer BUDDY® information.

Coordinate geriatrician referrals, consultations, and interventions.

Medications reconciliation and counselling post-hospitalisation and aged care admission.
Support respite residents and care providers with the safe and quality use of medicines.

Attend GP rounds and support evidence based deprescribing and reduction in psychotropic usage.
Attend multi-disciplinary Case Conferences.

Coordinate medication changes and other medication management processes with the supply pharmacy.

Enhanced multidisciplinary health care team input & interventions.

Facilitate workflows associated with an effective MAC.

Support workflows associated with the medication management Quality Indicator Program.
Benchmark date via the MediBUDDY® software to support clinical governance and continuous quality improvement.

Support workflows and inputs for the RACF’s Psychotropic Self-Assessment Activity.
Benchmarked data within the MediBUDDY® software to support clinical governance and continuous quality improvement.

For all QI Program residents indicated as being under chemical restraint.
QCRRs are built into the MediBUDDY® software solution.

Medication chart, storage, DAA packs, non-packed items, trolley, DD/S8 medication audits and other ‘as requested’ continuous quality improvement activities.

 Dependent on State and Federal legislation, the onsite pharmacist may administer vaccinations for care workers and care recipients.
Assist with infection prevention and control efforts.

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Pharmacists - Join Us

The largest employer of aged care pharmacists in Australia.

Credentialed Pharmacist Solutions is the largest employer of aged care pharmacists in Australia.  We are experts in nurturing the needs of new-career pharmacists and cultivating that team member into becoming a genuine medication safety expert.  With expertise comes immense job satisfaction and clinical impact and of course attractive remuneration.

With the roll-out of the Onsite Aged Care Pharmacist program, over the coming 6-months, we are aiming to engage an additional 300 pharmacists to meet our clients’ needs.

  • The best of both worlds! Aged care pharmacist roles reflect the best of what professionals enjoy in the retail and hospital settings.
  • Industry leading remuneration and reward for your hard-earnt skills, training and impact on medication safety.
  • Unmatched job flexibility – aged care pharmacists are not locked into fixed hospital rosters or retail opening hours. The aged care shifts can also accommodate other existing/ongoing hospital or retail work commitments.
  • Make a difference to the lives of Australia’s most vulnerable care recipients.
  • Be a valued (and new) member of the care recipient’s health care team.
  • Work with a vibrant and diverse team of health professionals and care staff.
  • Secure your professional future! Become an early adopter and expert pharmacist within the fastest growing health sector. 
  • Modern day nursing homes are amazing workplaces and have 5-star facilities and staff amenities.
  • No more long commutes! We have partnered with more than 600 RACFs around Australia and have a facility within close proximity to your home.
  • Ongoing mentorship and support. We know the aged care setting may be an unknown new environment and can be daunting for pharmacists.
  • Ongoing access to Nationally Recognised Training and CPD.
  • We equip you with the most sophisticated clinical tools (we commenced developing the MediBUDDY® software solution 3-years prior to the commencement of onsite pharmacist funding).
  • Strong career pathway and progression opportunities.